Apple normaly gets things right about improving their hardware and software, but in regards of devs support some times things don't go quite well.
One of this samples is the last iTunes Connect update (Xcode 6 / iOS 8 in 2014) which changed something on how they expect your images to be uploaded and made a bunch of us quite sad.
If you have the same problema as me you were receiving this message: "Images can't contain alpha channels or transparencies."
By the time this problem came to me the design team have already tried almost everything they could think of, and I went to a simple path of looking in the net one last time.
So I got to this stackoverflow post, and Smikey anwser solved my problem.
He simply suggests that we re-export the asset using Preview with Alpha option unchecked. By the way we were using a .png image.
Thats it problem solved.
Hope this help you ;)